Saturday, June 30, 2012

End of June 2012 - 28.3%

Mr. B and I have been at this personal finance thing, as a team at least, for about a year and a half.  Prior to that, we both lived well within our individual means (admittedly, him to a greater degree than me).  So we're off to a solid start.  Out of respect for Mr. B's privacy, I will not share actual figures, so I am going to have to be a little creative in tracking progress towards our goal of financial freedom.  I've chosen an arbitrary dollar figure to represent the goal.  And, in reality, if we had this amount of money in the bank today, I would skip into my boss' office on Monday and turn in my two weeks notice.  Who knows if it that will be the case - we may eventually settle on an actual figure that is more or less than this amount.

Anyway, as of the end of June 2012, we are 28.3% of the way to financial freedom.

The end of the month stock market rally substantially padded this figure and, to a lesser degree, we rocked the expense portion of the equation this month.  I didn't come right out and tell Mr. B this (fear of failure, maybe?), but I personally made a conscious effort not to spend any money on nonessentials and succeeded!  Usually there will be something - a lunch out with coworkers, craft supplies, a movie rental, etc. that I just can't resist.  This month, however, I didn't find myself feeling especially tempted by anything.  For the record, Mr. B has the discipline of a monk and rarely buys nonessentials for himself.

Looking forward, I do not expect that we will rock out on expenses next month.  The car needs its registration renewed and Little B Pup is due for a vet visit.  And call me a wimp, but it is highly likely I will be luxuriating in an air conditioned house next month.

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